If you have just found us, please go to “Getting Started” for step-by-step instructions.
To update your information, use the “Login” button in the "Sign In" box. When you are logged in, click the “My Profile” button, then click “Edit My Profile” at the bottom of the page to make any additions or changes to your profile.
Don’t forget to SAVE. You may want to go back occasionally to update your profile.
NOTE: If you add a "Now or Then" photo and it appears sideways, don't worry we will fix it!
Note: Don’t forget this is an email based website! We will never give out your email address, physical address or phone number, therefore, we will not be doing a printed or online class directory.
NOTE: If you are looking for a classmate, use the search feature and last name.
IIf you forget your password, PLEASE contact us and we will send it to you!